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Gifted & Acceleration Education

Gifted Education


Amity Adventurers


Welcome to the Deer Park City School District’s Gifted Education website. This site will provide helpful information for families and community members regarding identification procedures, services offered across our district, and resources to provide further support for parents and students.

Your ideas and suggestions are welcome. Please feel free to contact us with any questions.

Deer Park's Philosophy of Gifted Education

Deer Park schools recognizes a gifted student as one who “performs or shows potential for performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared to others of their age, experience, or environment” in concurrence with the state of Ohio’s definition. Learn more about gifted students

Due to this performance or potential, Deer Park schools provide services for gifted students to meet their unique learning needs.


  • Consultation: The Gifted Intervention Specialist consults with classroom teachers regarding student needs to provide resources and suggestions related to supporting gifted students in the general education classroom. 

  • Classroom Differentiation: All Deer Park teachers of core subjects (math, reading, writing, science, and social studies) are providers of gifted services. They receive professional development in the core competencies of gifted education and differentiate to meet the needs of gifted learners within the general education classroom. 

  • Amity Adventurers (Grades 2-6): The Amity Adventurers program provides small group enrichment to students who have been identified with a Specific Academic Ability in Math or Reading. This program is also open to students who are not identified as gifted but could benefit from enrichment. Possible enrichment candidates are scored on a rubric that considers current and past performance in reading or math as determined by benchmark assessments and in-class performance. Contact Kara Gummel with questions. 
  • Grades 7-12: Students have the opportunity to engage in honors and AP level classes.



Gifted Identification in the area of Superior Cognitive Abilities takes place for all students in grades 2 and 5. Students take the InView test in these grades to screen for cognitive giftedness. 

Gifted Identification in the area of a Specific Academic Ability takes place for all students using the following assessments:

  • MAP 2-5 Reading: Grades 2-5 three times a year

  • MAP 2-5 Math: Grades 2-5 three times a year

  • MAP 6+ Reading: Grades 6-10 three times a year

  • MAP 6+ Math: Grades 6-8 three times a year

  • ACT (Math, Reading, Science): Grade 11 once a year

Parents, if you would like to have your child tested for gifted identification in grades not universally screened or in an area not screened for, please submit your request by completing the Parent Referral for Gifted Form (online). Gifted testing requests will be completed within 90 days of written referral.

Gifted Program

Acceleration Policy