Deer Park Schools is a part of Hoonuit, an online resource for Deer Park Community City School’s Students—and Parents!
Our district’s subscription to Hoonuit includes online learning resources on hundreds of highly-relevant topics for not only students, but the entire school community—including parents!
Below are a few popular topics to help you stay connected, learn about the technology being used by your child(ren), and improve your own skills. Log in and start learning today!
Help for your students…
…and help for you!
- Improving Communication Between Parents & Teachers
- New to Computers? Computer Literacy Basics
- Landing the Job: Interview Techniques
- Effective Listening
- Being Savvy Online
Ready to get started?
Go to and log in using the information below:
- Username: parentdp
- Password: parentdp
To view the flyer, go here.
Achieving Excellence Together!