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Student Fee Schedule











District Chromebook Fee $30  

AP Exam Fees


Tentative - Set by College Board

Band 7/8


Color Guard/Senior Band


Band Camp

High School Marching Band/Senior Band


Band Camp

High School Marching Band/Senior Band


Personal uniform items such as shoes, clothing, and mallet/stick bag must also be purchased

Jazz Band


Uniform Shirt/Tuxedo Shirt

Women's Choir


Uniform (partial) and annual T-shirt

Men's Choir $40 Uniform (partial) and annual T-shirt

Show Choir


Uniform (partial) and annual T-shirt


High School students are required to purchase all or part of their formal uniform. The cost will vary according to uniform. Students who damage or lose their uniform will be charged a replacement fee.



Athletic per student


Athletic max per student


Non-athletic per student


Non-athletic max per student


Athletic & non-athletic max per family





Amity Elementary








Jr./Sr. High School




Lunch (Value)


Lunch (Super)




Adult Pricing  
Breakfast $2.50
Lunch $5.00

*Our charge policy is once a student reaches $30.00 of charges on their lunch account, they will be provided with an alternative lunch which includes a peanut butter sandwich (or equivalent for those with allergies), a fruit, a vegetable and a milk. Once all charges are paid up, students can resume purchasing a lunch of their choice.

Waivers are available when special financial circumstances exist. At second, third, and fourth quarters, report cards will be withheld if fees remain unpaid.

Student Fees and Fines

Students will be provided necessary textbooks for courses of instruction without cost. In accordance with state law, Deer Park charges specific fees for particular activities and materials used in the course of instruction. Partial payment can be made throughout the school year. Fees may be paid in the form of cash, check, money order, credit card or through our on-line payment system. Payment plans can be set up through the building principal. Once fees and/or fee plans are paid, parents will receive report cards and have access to Progress Book, an electronic grade reporting system.

Students who damage or lose textbooks or library materials, or damage other school property, will be expected to reimburse the district for the replacement of the item.

Fees may be waived in situations where there is a financial hardship. Fee waiver forms can be picked up in the main office. Payment plan options can be set up through the building principal.

Insufficient Fund Fee

Student fees may be paid by check. When you provide a check as payment, you authorize us to use information from the check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account, or to process the payment as a check transaction. You authorize us to collect a $30.00 fee (plus a bank fee charged to the merchant if allowed by state law) through electronic fund transfer from your account if your check is returned unpaid. The district has contracted with Infinity Group Inc. for the collection of insufficient funds.

PaySchools Central: Pay School Fees On-Line with a Credit Card

We’re excited to introduce PaySchools Central, Deer Park’s new online portal for school lunch and fee payment! PaySchools Central provides all parents in our district with an easy way to pay for nearly every school expense online or with a convenient mobile app. Click HERE to learn more and set up your account. 

Grading Periods

Students will receive an interim report approximately five weeks into the quarter indicating their progress for each course of study. The interim report will be mailed home to parents as noted on the district calendar. Students will receive a report card at the end of each nine-week quarter indicating their progress and subsequent grades. These report cards will be sent home with students one week after the end of the grading period. The final report card of the year will be mailed home. Twenty-five percent of outstanding fees must be paid in order to receive report cards each quarter.

When a student appears to be at risk of failure, reasonable efforts will be made to notify the parents so they can talk with the teacher about what actions can be taken to improve poor grades. Please monitor Blackboard as grades will be updated weekly.